Iowa Microscopy Society
About Our Society
The Iowa Microscopy Society is a non-profit affiliate of the Microscopy Society of America (MSA)The goals of this organization are to bring together people interested in microscopy, and to foster the exchange of ideas and information. To support its mission, the IMS hosts an annual symposium of speakers covering a variety of microscopy-related topics.
IMS meetings are currently on hold.
IMS Membership Form
Warm Regards,
Tom Moninger, IMS President
MSA Special Offer for Professionals, Staff, and Students
Microscopy professionals and students are encouraged to enroll as a member of the Society for as little as $20.00 for students and $60.00 for others. By doing so, they will immediately have access to all of the following services, and more:
- • A personal subscription to MSA's official journal, Microscopy and Microanalysis, and MSA's
popular bi-monthly magazine, Microscopy Today.
• Reduced registration for PMCx60 Pre-meeting Congress for Students at Annual Meeting
• Reduced registration for pre-meeting congresses and short courses at Annual Meeting
• Student Bursary Program for the Annual Meeting
• MSA Undergraduate Student Research Scholarships
• MSA Student Council leadership opportunities
• MSA Presidential Student Award supports attendance at Annual Meeting
• MSA student programming for the Annual Meeting
• Access to extensive educational materials and activities
Please feel free to call 1-703-234-4115 or visit MSA Microscopy Society of America if you have any questions you might have about the meeting or the Society in general.
Please help support the Microscopy Society of America by joining.
Corporate Supporters