Instrumentation [1]
The Central Microscopy Research Facility offer investigators a variety of microscopes and preparation equipment to support a wide range of imaging techniques.
Acknowledgment of use of CMRF equipment funded by the NIH and the Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust in Publications
Reviews of new applications for NIH-funded shared instrumentation grants (SIG) now include an evaluation of the track record of usage of instruments supported by previous SIG awards. For this purpose, SIG applications now require inclusion of a table listing the previous SIG-funded instruments awarded to The University of Iowa with quantification of the publications that specifically acknowledged the awarded SIG grant. When publishing, we encourage you to acknowledge the CMRF, the instrument and the NIH grant number in the paper. Doing so will improve the chances of the CMRF acquiring additional state-of-the-art equipment in the future. Specifically:
The NIH requires that all grantee publications include the following two statements:
1) A specific acknowledgment of NIH grant support, such as:
"Research reported in this [publication/press release] was supported by [name of the Institute(s), Center, or other NIH offices] of the National Institutes of Health under award number [specific NIH grant number(s) in this format: R01GM987654]." You should also include the name of the instrument.
In the case of publishing data acquired on CMRF equipment you should include a statement such as "This work utilized the “Name of Equipment” in the University of Iowa Central Microscopy Research Facilities that was purchased with funding from the NIH SIG grant “grant number for instrument from the list below.”
2) A disclaimer that says: "The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health."
Current CMRF instruments that have been acquired with funding from the National Institutes of Health Shared Instrumentation Grants are listed below:
Grant Number | Equipment |
1 S10 RR025439-01 | Zeiss LSM710 confocal |
1 S10 OD014165-01A1 | Ariol Slide-Scanning Microscope & MicroBrightfield Stereology Software |
1 S10 OD016316-01 | Leica LMD7000 Laser Capture Microdissection System |
1 S10 RR022498-01 | Hitachi S-4800 Scanning Electron Microscope |
The Leica SP8 Confocal/STED was purchased in part with funds provided by the Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust. Use of this instrument should be acknowledged with a statement such as: “The acquisition of the Leica SP8 Laser Scanning Confocal microscope with STED capability was made possible by a generous grant from the Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust. Additional funding was provided by the University’s Office of the Vice President for Research, the Carver College of Medicine, and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.”
Major funding for the Zeiss LSM 980 Airyscan2 was provided by the Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust. Use of this instrument should be acknowledged with a statement such as: “The acquisition of the Zeiss LSM 980 Airyscan2 Laser Scanning Confocal microscope was made possible by a generous grant from the Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust. Additional funding was provided by the University’s Office of the Vice President for Research."
Funding for the Horiba ViewSizer 3000 Pariticle Analyzer was provided by the Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust. Use of this instrument should be acknowledged with a statement such as: “The acquisition of the Horiba ViewSizer 3000 particle analyzer was made possible by a generous grant from the Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust. Additional funding was provided by the University’s Office of the Vice President for Research and the Carver College of Medicine."
If you are a member of the Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center, when publishing you should also acknowledge the Cancer Center support grant P30CA086862.
Additionally, in order to support the future procurement of new laboratory equipment, please review our acknowledgement and co-authorship [2]policy.
The following operation guides are NOT a substitution for training. If you need to schedule a time to train with a staff member, please contact the CMRF at (319) 335-8143.
Transmission Electron Microscopy
- Hitachi HT7800 [3]
Scanning Electron Microscopy
- Hitachi S-4800 [4]
- Hitachi S-4800 with IXRF EDS
Light Microscopy
- Horiba ViewSizer 3000 [5]
- Leica Aperio Ariol Digital Slide Scanner [6]
- MicroBrightField Stereology System [7]
- Olympus BX-61 [8]
- Olympus BX-63 [9]
- Olympus IX-81 (Inverted) [10]
- Olympus Stereoscope SZX12 [11]
- Leica AM TIRF MC [12]
- Zeiss Observer Z1 [13]
Confocal/Super Resolution Microscopy
- Leica SP8 STED [14]
- Zeiss LSM 710 [15]
- Zeiss LSM 980 AiryScan2 [16]
Sample Preparation
- Denton 502B Thermal Evaporating System
- Emitech Sputter Coater K550
- Quorum Technologies EMS 150 T ES iridium Sputter [17]Coate [17]r
- Tanner Scientific TN-1700 Paraffin Embedding Center
- Leica Automatic Freeze Substitution (AFS)
- Leica LMD 7000 [18]
- Leica Microm Cryostat I HM505E
- Leica Microm Cryostat II w/ Cryo-Jane System
- Leica CM1950 Cryostat with Cryo-Jane System
- Leica Microtome RM2135
- Leica EM UC6 Ultramicrotome
- Leica EM UC6 Ultramicrotome w/ Cryo Attachment FC6
- Leica EM UC7 Ultramicrotome
- Microm Microtome HM355
- Pelco BioWave Microwave
- Polaron Critical Point Dryer (CPD)
- Reichert-Jung Quick Freeze KF80
- Sakura Tissue-Tek VIP 6 AI
- Shandon Cyto-Spin 3
- Sledge Microtome
- Sakura Diversified Stainer DRS-601
- Spencer Microtome
- Vibratome Automated 1500
Image Analysis
- SVI Huygen's Professional Deconvolution [19]
- Oxford Imaris [20] F1
- ImageJ/Fiji [27]