Adenovirus Infected COS Cell Culture
Michael Welsh and Tom Moninger

Red Blood Cells


Cryo-Fractured Heart Muscle


Fat Cells

Fused Canine Vertebrae-Secondary Electron Image

Fused Canine Vertebrae-Calcium X-Ray Dot Map

Ferruginous Body
Randy Nessler and Steve Landis

Giardia on Lumen of Rat Intestine

Immunogold Labeled Virus in Fibroblast Culture, Backscattered Electron Image

Immunogold Labeled Virus in Fibroblast Culture, Secondary Electron Image

Intestinal Microvilli

Lung Tissue

Micro pH Probe
Alejandro Pezzulo and Tom Moninger

Micro pH Probe
Alejandro Pezzulo and Tom Moninger

Mucus on Pig Trachea
Michael Welsh and Tom Moninger

Michael Welsh and Tom Moninger

Nebulizer Tip Close Up
Michael Welsh and Tom Moninger

Neisseria Meningitidis
Michael Apicella and Meg Ketterer

Pig Tooth Enamel
Eugene Chang and Tom Moninger

Primary Human Airway Culture
Phil Karp and Tom Moninger

Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Biofilm on Mouse Trachea
Michael Welsh and Tom Moninger

Ragweed Pollen

Salmonella Tenesse

Staphylococcus Aureus
Michael Welsh and Tom Moninger

Strep A

Titanium Dioxide
Peter Thorn and Tom Moninger