Setting up a CMRF account


Welcome to the University of Iowa Central Microscopy Research Facility! We are happy that you have decided to utilize us for your microscopy needs.


There are two steps that need to be completed in order to use the resources at the CMRF:


1: Fill out a Project Description form.

2: Create a BookIT account.

  • The BookIT app is used to reserve equipment (once training is completed for each instrument), and for billing. 
  • You must have previously filled out the Project Description form and received confirmation from CMRF Accounting.
  • Go to this link, click on "HAWK ID Authentication" and enter your HawkID and password:
  • Follow any instructions, making sure to link to your User Group and Budget.
  • The BookIT app can be accessed online via a browser, or by installing the BookIT app on a portable device (search for "BookitLab" in your app store.)


Please contact a CMRF staff member if you have any questions.